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What is a Superlearner©?


We are consuming information at record-breaking rates – there are now hundreds of thousands of books published every year (not to mention blogs, articles, videos, and other forms of information) – and that doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

So how do we overcome this deluge of information?  How do we keep up when it feels like we are trying to drink from a firehose?  

We do it by

  • improving our ability to plan out our learning
  • boosting our memory to new, previously unimaginable heights
  • increasing our reading skill, including speed and retention
  • and, most importantly, taking action on what we are learning

But with so many programs, techniques, and philosophies out there…how do we know how to get started?  What are the most powerful techniques to learn, and how do we learn them as fast as possible?


That’s where I come in.  I can help you to know what to do, and I can give you daily support on your journey.  It’s my job to make sure you get these skills in a way that YOU can take action on and implement as soon as possible.

So…would it be a crazy idea to get in touch with me and see how I can help you to triple your learning speed and get you ready to learn anything you’ve ever wanted to learn?


Who is Dylan Peterson?



Dylan is a man of many hats.  What I do often depends on the day.  I put my SuperLearner skills to the test as an IT technician, a father of four, an active member of my local community, a musician, a wrestling coach, and much more.

This wasn’t always the case, though…

Not too long ago, I was working a job that I hated and had no idea how to get out.

I worked as hard as anyone, I put in all the hours I could, but I still couldn’t get ahead.

A few years went by, and I decided I had enough.  I went all-in to create a personalized curriculum of courses that I could take online during my “spare” time (ha!).

During this time, I stumbled upon a course called “Become a SuperLearner!”.  I thought “why not?  This makes sense – I’m embarking on a learning journey and being able to learn faster and better sounds like exactly the right way to start it off!”

I took the course and had MASSIVE success – improving my reading speed to over 700 words-per-minute with ~80% comprehension, reading an average of one book per week, and taking my memory to heights I had never imagined – like memorizing 50 random digits in under 5 minutes and dozens of acronyms and standards for IT support.

I was hooked.  I loved these new skills!  They completely changed the way that I approached learning – it went from mundane drudgery that I had to slog through to an exciting activity that I look forward to every day.  I’ve read over one hundred books in the last couple of years, and I’ve completed many online courses covering subjects such as

  • information technology
  • personal productivity
  • sales and marketing
  • life coaching
  • meditation
  • entrepreneurship
  • behavior and lifestyle design
  • nutrition and exercise
  • music
  • and more

Now, I help people exactly like YOU to get these same skills, radically change the way they learn, and rediscover their own love of learning.

Get in touch with me today.  The sooner you start, the sooner you can reap the rewards and the more you’ll learn!



Don't wait - the sooner you take action on this skill, the more it will pay off!

Get in touch with me here!

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